The QuizAPI includes a wide number of questions

Test your knowledge or easily embed a quiz on your website with the Quiz API

Quiz API Website

What is it all about?

The QuizAPI is a SaaS which lets you test your knowledge on a wide variety of technical topics. You can create your own Quiz or get random set of questions for a speicifc topic including Linux, DevOps, BASH, PHP and lots more. We offer an easy to use API which allows you to embed the quiz on your own website.


Create your own Quiz.


Create your own Quiz wrapper.


Easy to use API.


Fully documented API.

Quiz API

Total API Request Made


Total Questions


Total Quizzes Done


Our Top Topics

Test your skills with our top topics with a variaty of questions set for beginners and seniors alike!

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Predifined Quizzes

Get a taste our predifed quizzes containing the most relevant questions for interviews, jobs etc.

If you want to check out all of our Predifined Quizzes click here to see them all.

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